dawn , on 30th April 1944 , the P51B ''Mustang'' of 380th
Squadron , 343th Fighter Group , 9th US Air Force
, took off their base at Staplehurst near Maidstone in Kent , England .
They are to escort a Box of
B24 bombers on a bombing raid on a railway marshalling yard close to
Lyon . One of the young pilots was unaware that this mission would be
for him the longest and most dangerous of his career to date , as well as the last of
the campaign for him . Ths is his story , a story that came to change
his life and involve dozens of humble normans wo helped him without
second thought as to the extreme dangers that they risked .
Flying had always been Charlie's passion . His childhood was obsessed by
it . Charlie was not content to merely make aircrafts models , but
worked after classes at a local aerodrome , receiving flying lessons in
lieu of payment , and took off on his first flight on a WACO biplane at
the age of 13 . After leaving college , he was unable to become a
fighter pilot due to the requirement demanded by the USAAF of 2 years
college education after graduation from high school . He therefore
enlisted in the Army Air Corps and found his way as a Radio Operator in
a unit conveying B24 'Liberators' to UK under Lend Lease scheme .
Air Force was short of pilots , so the level of education required was
lowered and Charlie was able to enter Air Cadets School with the sole
ambition of not only passing out as a fighter pilot , but to become the
best in the Air Force . Due to his immediately obvious real qualities as
a pilot (''Born to fly'' according to all of his instructors , both
civil and military) , he immediately passed out of flying school and
entered the Air Force and won his single-engined aircraft ''wings'' in
August 1943 . One of his instructors remarked at the investiture that if
he didn't kill himself by taking excessive risks , he possessed all the
attributes to become one of the all-time great pilots of the war .
Leutnant Charles L.Moore arrived Scotland by boat in December 1943 , and
spent several weeks at an Air Training Base in Grimsby (England). Here ,
he flew little , but was taught the theory of plane identification , the
ways and customs of the English , Frenchs and Europeans , as well as
several briefings by Intelligence officers at the methods of avoiding
capture . This did not concerned all aspects of escape , which would
have been impossible , but mainly gave pilots some practical knowledge
on how to react and survive in the event of parachuting in ennemy
territory .
the end of February 1944 , he was posted to 380th Squadron ,
343 Fighter Group . Our single-engined flier had now become an
operational fighter pilot . Hardly arrived at the Squadron , remembering the words of
his instructors and telling himself ''I am here to execute flying skills
at a level yet to be achieved by others'' . His various flying escapades
quickly resulted in him being summarily ''grounded'' for 30 days for ''reckless
to the ground , Charlie was given the job running the Officers Mess ,
among other things the distribution of oranges , eggs , but above all
Johny Walker whisky . Charlie remembers this period as being among the
most pleasant moments of
his career in the USAF . It is indeed most frustrating for a pilot to be
grounded , but this ''work'' was a most welcome consolation , and
resulted in a period when oranges , eggs and whisky were
appearing on daily menus .
Charlie set out on his first missions ,including ''dive bombing''
targets over Germany . Charlie encountered heavy ''Flak'' but
strangely not one ennemy fighter during his first 5 missions . Three
further missions were aborted and called back due to bad weather
conditions . During one of these , 11 Mustangs out of a total of 48
never made it back to Staplehurst , probably due to icing problems
rendering the aircrafts uncontrollable .
, on this 30th April 1944 , Charlie's ninth mission was as
escort of a ''Box'' of B24s on a bombing raid to Lyon . The Fighters and
Bombers grouped at 18000 feet over Sancerre . The bombing mission over
this important railway marshalling station obtained , according to
fighter escort observers , excellent results , and
so the planes retraced their steps homewards . However , homeward
bound , they were intercepted by the german fighters of the 5/JGII ''Richtoffen''
based at Creil , who have been sent to intercept them . A dozen or so
Messerschmidt ME 109s attacked the B24s over Montargis .
Now everything happened very quickly indeed . The 380 Squadron flanked
the B24s
to the right , slightly above in
a perfect position of defense , but the Mustangs pilots only realised
the presence of the Germans at the moment they opened fire . The ME 109s
then regrouped for a further attack .
to Charlie :
the best of my recollection , we were all taken by surprise by the ME
109s who came out of
nowhere . I chose a plane at the centre of the formation and followed it
down to the ground . The German pilot was no novice , and was absolutely
at one with his machine . He knew I was behind him even before I opened
fire . After my burst of fire , he turned one way and another , in a
manouvre to shake me off his tail , and hoping no doubt that I would
follow suit and crash "
he realised that I would not play his game , he made a manouvre that
stupefied me : reducing his speed , he deployed his flaps and dropped
his undercarriage , hoping I would thereby overrun him resulting in the
hunter now becoming the prey . His manouvre could have succeeded , but
by the Grace of God , I was sufficiently far enough behind him to avoid
this tactic succeeding . In reality , when I saw the smoke of his
exhausts , I realised that he had tried to get me to overtake him , and
I managed to outwit him by ''zigging'' from left to right . I believe
that this ''cat and mouse'' game I played saved my life . When the
German pilot realised that I would not pass in front of him , he
accelerated at maximum , at the same time pulling up his flaps and
undercarriage . However , only one leg of the undercarriage entered the
fuselage , the other remaining deployed .
, the left undercart leg had received some damage when he deployed it at
high speed , or alternatively by my firing into the hydraulics . The cat
and mouse game now over , he bailed out at around 1000 feet . I followed
him now under his parachute , and took pictures with my wing camera .
The German pilot made a sporting gesture whilst under his parachute that
I shall remember to the rest of my days : He turned towards me , waved
his arms and saluted . I then made tracks for England
at low altitude , just above the trees , as fuel was now short
and the return trip was a
long one '' .
5/JGII Squadron lost 4 planes during this engagement : 2 Focke-Wulff
190s and 2 Messerschmidt ME109s
. Only the pilots of the last 2 managed to eject over Montargis :
Leutnant Lackner , commanding
the 5/JGII and his wing man unteroffizier Kolmanisch , both Ritterkreuztrager of the Iron Cross . Upon his
return to base , Lieutenant Lackner confided to his comrades (and
confirmed by Leutnant Paul Mübgersdorff
to myself during a meeting with him in 1999) , the episode of the salute
. He
upon his relief that the aircraft that had just shot him down made no
effort to harm him personally . Lt Lackner was to die in aerial combat
near to Beauvais in mid-May 1944 . The second ME 109 ''kill'' , that of
Kolmanisch was attibuted to a Charlie's Squadron pilot.
dogfight over Montargis had caused the Mustang of Charlie to become
somewhat separated from the rest , and so he was obliged to return on
his own . Around 11.30 , after 30 minutes flight , Charlie believed he
was approaching Cotentin peninsula , and a small flight of aircrafts ,
probably fighters , to his west attracted his attention , flying in
approximately the same direction , but at a much higher altitude .
Keeping a carefull eye on these and trying not to loose sight , Charlie
looked ahead again and saw a high tension line looming up ahead . ''If
I had gained a little altitude straight after having seen these pylones
and cables , there would have been no problem , but those unidentified
planes took all my attention and I waited a second or two too long . It
was now too late to avoid the towers , and I had to made the flash
decision to either fly over or under the cables''.
a reflex that probably saved his life , Charlie choose to fly under the
cables . In the course of this tactic , he was unable to avoid the
radiator air intake striking the branches of a tree .
radiator having been damaged (during the recovery of the wrecked plane
in 1996 , we found the radiator pierced by a piece of branch certainly
cut by the propeller and
which caused it to leak ). The Packard Merlin soon overheated alarmingly
due to the leak of coolant . As the temperature gage passed the top
limit , white smoke began to invade the cockpit . The aircraft continued
on its way with normal power nevertheless , but the fumes were now so
intense that it became hard to read the instruments on the dashboard .
Now mindful that the Mustang would eventually catch fire before
regaining England , Charlie climbed to 1000 feet , inverted the plane
and bailed out .
Back at base at Staplehurst , 2d Leutnant C.L Moore was reported ''missing
in action'' .
was around midday at Ecouché (Orne , Normandy ) . The hour when folk
were leaving the Sunday Mass , and recalled by Marie-Louise
Chambelland-Cavallo , historian of Ecouché , who recalls :
''We had heard the DCA fire and all of us kept the remembrance of
this aeroplane that flew over us so low , followed by an immense cloud
of white smoke , also the sound of the stricken plane . We hurried to
the bridge of the Orne close by , and with great relief witnessed the
parachute opening . However , the local German garrison was immediately
bustling with activity as vehicles full of soldiers made off in
direction of the crash site . We were fearful that the unlucky pilot
would find impossible to avoid them . We saw the plane hit the ground
towards the west near Batilly at the spot known as 'les Canards' ''.
his descent , Charlie had observed his plane hitting the ground .
Anticipating his likely reception , he tried to recall his briefings by
the Intelligence Officer with regard to escape procedures . In reality ,
his knowledge of Northern France was confined to the fact that Abbeville
was the home of a German fighter Unit that they named the 'Abbeville
Guys'' , and who were feared and respected by the Allied pilots .
Landing close to the right bank of the Orne river , Normandy and its
inhabitants were a completely unknown quantity to Charlie . Hardly able
to catch his breath , Charlie was joined by the brothers Jacques
and Michel Roger , who were on a fishing party close to
the ''Moulin de Serans'' . Jacques
Roger took Charlie in tow , running upstream , trying to find a
way across the Orne ,whilst brother Michel drew downstream the Germans
attention , opposite direction . The escape had to be quickly achieved
since the searches by the Germans intensified rapidly , closing in from
all sides .
the other side of the river , Bernard
Peschet and son Françis
had seen the plane crash within a few hundred yards from their farm ''La
Misaudiere'' at Sevrai , and also seen the parachute descend . They
approached the river which they knew well since it ran alongside their
property , 500 yards away . They then saw Jacques and Charlie and showed
them a way to cross the river by the ford close to the mill . They were
just in time , as the Germans were only a few hundreds yards away .
Incredibly , the Germans intensified their search on the right bank of the river and close tot the place where
the plane had crashed rather than in the direction of the farm .
and Françis Peschet take Jacques Roger and Charlie to the farm ,
providing him with some civilian clothing . Françis buried the pilot's
leather jacket , notwithstanding his envy for the garment , as well as
Charlie's .45 Colt pistol .
But Charlie cannot linger there any longer , as the searches intensified
. At the end of April 1944 , the
77th Infanterie Division (LXXIV Korps)
had its Putanges , 7 miles away, and were responsible for
this sector . The Germans who had fired upon this aircraft in difficulty
and observed the scene that followed , send out patrols to find the
pilot . As previously mentioned , they confined their searches to the
right bank of the river Orne , being unaware of the ford close to the
''Moulin de Serans '' (Mill) , and therefore unaware that the pilot had
been able to cross the river .
now became imperative to get Charlie to the Resistance network and so in
the escape mechanism . Jacques Roger and Félix
Terrier , both members of the BOA (Bureau des Operations A ériennes)
and directed by Mr Verrier of the town of Ranes , decided to take Charlie directly to
Mr Verrier , but before doing so had to inform him of the situation .
Charlie had also to quit the farm as soon as possible . Bernard Peschet
gives his bike to Charlie and , led by Felix Terrier , they cycle off to
the home of two women at Saint Brice-sous-Ranes where he stayed for two
days (we were unable to find those two women) . As they left La
Misaudiere , they encountered a small horse drawn farm cart coming from
the direction of Ecouché .
the cart was the young Lucienne
Peschet (Mme Chombart) who does not recall who was pedaling , but
remembers that he was on her father's bicycle . Charlie was also to
spend several days hidden at the home of Mr and Mme Pottier
At the beginning of May , Charlie is transferred at the house of Mr
Verrier at Ranes . The clothing shop is rapidly
converted to enable Charlie to hide there , but there is no means
of escape should the Germans come calling . Mr Verrier feel he might be
under suspicion , so to play safe and avoid undue risks , Charlie is
transferred yet again , this time to the home of Mr Guillouard
at Saint Martin d'Aiguillon , where he stays for a week .. Here he
meets Mr Bachelier who is also a
member of the BOA and on the run from the Gestapo . However , Charlie is
unable to stay long , and has to find an other place to hide .
An employee of Mr Verrier , Thérèse
Bourguignon , suggests that Charlie could be hiden at the family
farm known as ''Les Chasnieres'' , well outside the commune of Marcei .
With the agreement of her other children Pierre
, Alfred , Roger , Suzanne and Gaston
, the widow Eugénie Bourguignon who had raised her family single-handed accepts
Charlie as ''Lodger'' , who is taken to Marcei in a Citroen ''Traction''
driven by Madame
of Joue-du-plain . In order to verify that there was no patrols on the
way , an other vehicle driven by Jules
Christophe (also from Joué-du-Plain) led the way . It seems that
the cars were checked by the Germans , who only looked at the papers of
the driver ...
morning after the transfer of Charlie , the sinister ''Bande à Jardin''
(French agents of the Gestapo for the Orne area) made a surprise visit
at the Verrier shop and made a vigourous search , fortunately finding
nothing . Nevertheless , Jardin's gang arrests Jacques and Michel Roger
, who were then deported to Neuengamme (Germany) . Only Michel was to
return .
Moore was to arrive at Marcei the 21rst May , where Alfred Bourguignon ,
the second son of the family , was already hiden as he was looked for by
the STO (Forced Laour Service) for the year 1943 , but , not wishing to
go to Germany , had conceived of the genial idea of having a letter to
his mother taken by a comrade , also requested for STO and going to
Germany , who was posted in Ludenscheid , therefore 'attesting'' his
presence in Germany . The strategy worked , but of course Alfred was
obliged to remain hiden , like all the workers requested to work in
Germany , but on the run . The letter was shown to Frech Gendarmes who
came calling to inquire why Alfred was not on their lists , the letter
convainced them that Alfred was certainly in Germany !.
Alfred had hidden himself in different farms . He came back to ''Les
Chasnieres'' in order to hide with Charlie in a pile of faggots inside
which a cavity had been arranged by Pierre , heled by his brothers .
Charlie recounts : ''Our hidding place was narrow and very low
. The heat was unbearable and there was no ventilation , and I have to
this day the scars caused by the branches of the faggots''.
war had made Charlie and Alfred fugitives , and so the two young men (of
much the same age) , became great friends . This was also true for the
children of ''Les Chasnieres'' .
continued its daily course at the farm . The Normandy landings took
place , entraining large troops movements , and the fightings became
more and more intense as the Battle of Normandy progressed , followed by
the Liberation . From time to time , the Germans called at the farm ,
searching for food , which was given quickly in order to get rid of them
. Charlie hid himself anywhere he could find at such time , once in a
grain coffer . He often passed himself off as a farm boy , or even a
poacher !. One day , leaving a wood nearby , he came across two German
soldiers . Not loosing his cool , he said ''bonjour'' , receiving the
same reply !. Perhaps the only french word the three of them had in
another occasion , two Germans arrived at the farmhouse without even the
dogs barking . Charlie was eating his meal at the kitchen table . The
Germans took not the slightiest notice of him , being only interested in
getting the food being prepared by Eugénie . Charlie , making out that
he had finished his meal , got up from the table without a word and left
, only drawing breath when well clear of the farmhouse !.
Feeling very unhappy from within , Charlie followed with an expert eye
the many aerial combats over the plain of Argentan . It caused him much
grief one day to see two P38's go down without the pilots
managing to eject . Nevertheless , it was later the turn of the four
German planes who had shot them down , to be in turn shot down by more
Mustangs , perhaps those of Charlie's Group .
was liberated the 12th of August by the tanks of the 5th
Armoured Division and the 90th Infantry Division of the 3rd
US Army . It was to be sergents Walker
of the 90th ID who came to find him at the farm . It was the
general feeling that it was time as by now too many people knew his
presence .
After having been thus liberated , Charlie was sent back to
England where he was to stay for a couple of weeks . Before this , he
came back to say his farewells to Les Chasnieres , bringing to the
Bourguignon family all that he could in the way of provisions ,
cigarettes , etc ..., which they had lost the taste for since long ago
!. He was then sent back to USA where , whilst on leave , he was
involved in a serious road accident and spent some considerable time in
hospital . Upon leaving hospital , he resumed his duties in the USAF and
was sent in the Pacific Theatre of War . Now flying a P47 Thunderbolt ,
he was to participate in the battle of Okinawa in July 1945 .
was discharged from the USAF with the rank of Major . Aged to day of 84
, he has not lost any of the energy of the days of his flight from the
Germans in 1944 , and remains much the same personage that he was in
those far off days . He has returned in Normandy on several occasions
where he was able to meet some of those who helped him in 1944
. Especially the Bourguignon family (other than Gaston who died
in 1946) . His remembrances were relived with much emotion , which is
understandable . We were able to show him the spot where his P51 crashed
and Francis Peschet took him to the ''Gué du Moulin'' ford where he
crossed the river Orne , also the farm of La Misaudiere where he was re-equipped
with civilian clothings . I was also able to show him the major parts of
his plane who was desinterred in 1996 and found to be in remarkable
state of preservation . The Packard version of the Rolls-Royce Merlin
engine , found at 6 metres deep , has been mounted on a specially
constructed display craddle by Serge
Roger , youngest brother of Jacques and Michel , now forming an
important part of a project to show the aerial combats of the Battle of
Normandy , with the famous radiator pierced by the branch of a tree ,
forming a key part of the display .
was to experience a painful reaction when we showed him the parts of his
plane . This had brutally reminded him of his bitter feelings of a dream
unfullfilled . However , his painfull recollections were brought to a
head when he came to terms with his decision that he had made an error
of judgement in flying under the power cables rather than above .

(right) in 1999 with Francis Peschet on the doorstep of the
cottage where he left his uniform and dressed in civilian clothes supplied
by the Peschet family |
years on , Charlie cannot not forget the thought that , on that day ,
this simple error has resulted in him being effectively ''grounded'' ,
whereas his country desperately needed him to be still at the controls
of his Mustang . He is also very aware
of the enormous risks that this error caused to be endured by
those who came to his aid . He now look upon all these people as members
of his family .
Many of them have made the trip to Las Vegas (Nevada) where he lives . I
met him there in 1996, 1998 and 2001 . There he told me the complete
story of his exploits in Normandy , which I have researched here and
related them above . We speak regularly by phone , and I hope to see him
there again soon .
Robert Chombart
Re-writen and completed
Aubry-en-Exmes, January 2005

V12 Packard 'Merlin' engine of the Charles Lee Moore's P51. The
compressor (pictured on the right) still remains in place. |
'Mustang' radiator. The branch having damaged the radiator was
still present when the wreck was dug out. The real evidence of
the disaster. |
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